Who Can Help You With All Of Your e-Discovery Needs?

Our e-Discovery team will provide you with the best e-Discovery results for your case. Along with the technology assistance we comply with strict adherence to the Rules of Professional Conduct, the Florida Rules of Evidence, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Federal Rules of Evidence ensuring a carefully executed and defensible process. This includes:

  1. Manage, supervise, and document the legal hold process.
  2. Manage, supervise, and document the chain of custody
  3. Manage, supervise, and document proper identification, preservation, and collection of ESI.
  4. Work together with all parties to provide proper negotiated ESI and production forms.
  5. Assess the appropriate technology to be used weighing the risk and benefit for the case including consideration of opposing party.
  6. Evaluate costs of e-Discovery based on burden/volume, limit of accessibility and proportionality of ESI.
  7. Manage and maintain confidential documents along with protective orders and clawback agreements.
  8. Assist with review and analysis of opposing party productions.
  9. Evaluate, filter and analyze for review relevant/substantive ESI.
  10. Examine, review and produce relevant documents, while maintaining privilege.

In certain cases forensic analysis can provide much more than digital documents, including; linking certain activities with a particular user account, establish a timeline of events, encryption breaking, establish connection/relationship between individuals, locating contraband, recovery of deleted files, and conclude as to whether a system has been compromised in any way.

Our computer forensic e-Discovery team will use their skills, experience and our proprietary cutting edge software to help you with your discovery needs.